The good homies over at Modern Shark dropped the ambitious ‘& a whole bunch of crazy motherfuckers’, an absolutely massive project from underground beatmaker Steel Tipped Dove earlier this week. Seriously, it’s so big (clocking in at a whopping 35 tracks) they had to split the thing into two parts!
It kinda reminds me of Marley Marl’s ‘In Control’ albums from back in the day with the stylistic ground it covers. And while a project of this magnitude is bound to feature it’s share of filler, with features from the likes of Imageyenation favorites Tone Tank, Open Mike Eagle, Kool AD, Lakutis, Fat Tony, Big Baby Gandhi, ZachG, and label-owner Baje One himself, it boasts more than it’s fair share of bangers as well.
Download Pt. 1 (.ZIP)
Download Pt. 2 (.ZIP)
For my money (not that it cost anything to download this joint) Open Mike Eagle and Tone Tank are vying against each other for best song. I’m gonna make you download this shit to hear Mike’s magnificent “A Horrible Realization About Babies”, but you can peep Tone at his most MF DOOM-esque on the “wonder”-full “Ellen Degenerates” below.